Ep. 058 - From Wall Street to Ranch Life: Jay Meadows’s Journey to Building His Dream

Jay Meadows had the opportunity to grow up with family that lived the cowboy life and family that were heavy into business.

He decided to go to school while pursuing baseball but realized that he may not be good enough to make a career out of it so he went all in on learning business.

After graduating he became a stock broker. He had plenty of things to learn about the business but he had the privilege of being naively optimistic and that allowed him to have a lot of success.

He was forced to change careers and with the help of a strong network of mentors he was guided in the direction of mortgage fraud prevention, an industry that wasn’t even invented yet.

Once again Jay went all in and the company became a huge success.

In his “retirement” he’s still investing and looking for opportunity as well as living his dream ranching and team roping.

There’s truly a lot of lessons in this episode.

Diversified Payments:

The Wealthy Cowboy Mastermind:


The Tale of Two Men: same start, different finish


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