Ep. 032 - Young Ranchers, Big Ideas: The Rise of 100th Meridian Ranching

100th Meridian Ranching found a way to be creative and solve a major problem in the ranching industry, bulls.

Bulls are a huge part of a cow calf operation. You want high quality sound bulls that throw calves that are easy to birth and wean big.

But bulls can be expensive and hard to maintain.

After experimenting with different areas of ranching and receiving education at multiple ranching institutes they decided to make bull leasing the staple behind 100th Meridian Ranching.

Check out the awesome story of a young family getting started ranching and building it up into a successful business.

Diversified Payments:


Ep. 033 - Building a Beef Empire with Austin Tarrant


Ep. 031 - Beef For The Hungry: Feeding TX with Noel McAlexander