Ep. 030 - Pivoting Through Pain: Doug Champion's Path to Champion Living Fitness

Doug started his journey as a rodeo athlete but when a horse flipped over and gave him a career ending injury he had to pivot.

Not only did his injury take him away from rodeo but it severely affected his everyday life and his ability to do simple tasks.

He finally found the right doctor to get him fixed up and give him the relief he’d been seeking.

Through this hardship he realized how important fitness and mobility were and that there wasn’t really anyone teaching that to rodeo athletes.

The idea for Champion Living Fitness was born. Although there have been many pivots and struggles along the way Doug has used social media and customer satisfaction to build his business into what it is today.

We dive deep into the struggles of going out on your own and what it takes to make the leap and then stay the course.

Diversified Payments:


Ep. 031 - Beef For The Hungry: Feeding TX with Noel McAlexander


Ep. 029 - Fit for Business: Darin Deaton’s Dual Passions in Physical Therapy and Ranching